FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Planning and managing an estate sale can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Turn to the professionals at Anything Goes Estate Sellers.
We do the work for you and promise to give you the best services possible. For your convenience, we have listed some of the most frequently asked questions we get from our customers.
For any additional information, please contact us at (519) 791-3302 and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to working with you!
Where do we begin?
The first step in the process is to contact Anything Goes Estate Sellers, share your situation and schedule an appointment. Allowing us a chance to view the home and hear about your unique situation will help us better serve you. We will work with you to find out the best plan of action whether that be an estate sale, a liquidation, clean-out, buyout or individual item purchase.
How much time do you need to set up?
We would like you to call as soon as you believe you might need our services. We usually ask for a two-week notice but also understand that situations arise suddenly and abruptly. We like to be efficient and organized and the more time we have, the better your sale will be!
What is your fee for coming to the house and assessing it for an estate sale?
Our consultation and meeting with you is free of charge.If we determine a sale is not warranted, we will recommend other alternatives and provide guidance on who to contact.
What happens at the first meeting?
Once on site, we can assess and determine the feasibility of a sale. We will work with you to find out the best plan of action whether that be an estate sale, a clean-out, buyout or individual item purchase based on what we see at the home. It is during this time that we will review the contract with you, discuss availability and answer all questions you may have.
There is no up-front or out-of-pocket expense to you. We charge a percentage of total sales for our commission, and simply deduct that from the proceeds at the end of the sale. For a full list of what is included in the percentage visit the “Our Services” tab under the “About Us” section of our website.
Should we get rid of things that we know are of no value, such as old paper, magazines, newspapers or cleaning supplies?
Do not discard anything! This is the biggest mistake people make when preparing to conduct a sale. Many people would consider certain items “junk”, but that junk may be a diamond in the rough or a treasure to a collector. Let us take care of the separating for you. This is part of our service. The best thing to do is leave the house as is.
Should we donate all the old clothes, towels, linens and sheets?
While that is charitable, these items are completely sellable at an estate sale and bring in additional profits to benefit the estate. Please refrain from discarding or donating any items within the home as these donations can be determined after the estate sale. If you feel that you must discard or donate any items please contact us to receive a professional opinion to make sure the item is not of high value. We would be happy to help!
How long does it take you to “setup” an estate sale?
Simply put, every house and situation is unique. Within the last 6 years we have encountered setups that range anywhere between 3 days to 2 weeks depending on the size and contents within. This timeframe is established on the first appointment and is based on the situation.
What is the “setup” process like?
First, we set up our display tables throughout the home and re-arrange furniture to maximize retail space. We then unearth any drawers, boxes and cabinets throughout the home and clean items as necessary. From there we separate sellable from non-sellable, research antique and high valued goods and finally, affix prices to all the displayed items. Throughout the process we often find personal effects such as social security cards, bank or tax documents and other sensitive material which we set aside to be gone through by the owner of the estate.
Do I need to rent tables, display cabinets or clothes racks?
No, we will bring in tables, display cases and clothing racks to display the merchandise. We take care of it all.
How many days will my estate sale last?
The average estate sale is open to the public for 2 days. In some circumstances we have conducted multiple sale weekends for one home due to the amount of items and having to do the sales in sections. With that said, a typical estate sale can be completely set up, advertised, run and completed within one weeks timeframe.
If the executor lives out-of town, can we still have an estate sale?
Yes! We handle everything through email, faxing and registered mail so living outside of our area during the process is no problem. This process is simple and we have been handling out-of-state residents for many years. If you’re working with a local realtor or with a lawyer, we can go through them as well.